
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stretching the Biblical Re-telling?

I finished Water for Elephants last night! Afterwards I had a hard time putting the book down so I read the interview with Sara Gruen. I'm intrigued by how she used Jacob from the book of Genesis as the backbone for the novel. Honestly, I don't think I would have noticed this on my own, but below are some biblical references that other people noticed. Have any of you made other connections? Is this biblical re-telling a stretch?
  • Anagrams: both exact and phonetic: Catherine Hale=Leah, Marlena L'Arche=Rachel, Alan Bunkel (Uncle Al)=Uncle Laban 
  • flat rock that he sleeps on on the river bank at the beginning of the book
  • the dream
  • the animal husbandry for Uncle Laban
  • Jacob and Rachel (Marlena) leave with Uncle Al's (Uncle Laban's) best livestock
  • Jacob must do an additional seven years of animal husbandry in order to be with Marlena
  • he breaks his hip
  • some of his children's names are the same 
In the interview with Sara Gruen at the end of the novel, the author admits that at the time she started to write Water for Elephants she was working on another book but stumbled across old circus photos. The photos inspired her to research and eventually write the book. I think incorporating the photos in the book adds a touch of truth. Can't wait to discuss this more next Friday!

Happy reading...