
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Meeting #9: The Help

Who turned one year old today?!

The Bookettes!

Today's meeting to discuss The Help marks our one year anniversary as a book club. We celebrated by feasting on some great southern food - complete with grits, shrimp, and cornbread!

(Recipes available here)

Marit, our wonderful host, provided great "southern hospitality", as always.

Check out these cute decorations!

I do believe this is the same Bookette who equipped us all with these pins, a few meetings back:

After lingering in the living room enjoying our apps and discussion, and feasting on grits and shrimp, we honored Minny from The Help -- and one year together -- with:

A Chocolate-Pecan Pie! Of course we left out one key ingredient ; )


Movie Night!!

It was great to see you all today! I hope you can all make it back here for a showing of Little Women on December 16, at 7:30.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

January Book Option Summaries


Below are summaries for the three potential January Books.  The poll therefore is to the right.  Look forward to seeing everyone this weekend. 

The Good Soldier

First published in 1915, Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier begins, famously and ominously, "This is the saddest story I have ever heard." The book then proceeds to confute this pronouncement at every turn, exposing a world less sad than pathetic, and more shot through with hypocrisy and deceit than its incredulous narrator, John Dowell, cares to imagine. Somewhat forgotten as a classic, The Good Soldier has been called everything from the consummate novelist's novel to one of the greatest English works of the century. And although its narrative hook--the philandering of an otherwise noble man--no longer shocks, its unerring cadences and doleful inevitabilities proclaim an enduring appeal.

Ford's novel revolves around two couples: Edward Ashburnham--the title's soldier--and his capable if off-putting wife, Leonora; and long-transplanted Americans John and Florence Dowell. The foursome's ostensible amiability, on display as they pass parts of a dozen pre-World War I summers together in Germany, conceals the fissures in each marriage. John is miserably mismatched with the garrulous, cuckolding Florence; and Edward, dashing and sentimental, can't refrain from falling in love with women whose charms exceed Leonora's. Predictably, Edward and Florence conduct their affair, an indiscretion only John seems not to notice. After the deaths of the two lovers, and after Leonora explains much of the truth to John, he recounts the events of their four lives with an extended inflection of outrage. From his retrospective perch, his recollections simmer with a bitter skepticism even as he expresses amazement at how much he overlooked.

Dowell's resigned narration is flawlessly conversational--haphazard, sprawling, lusting for sympathy. He exudes self-preservation even as he alternately condemns and lionizes Edward: "If I had had the courage and the virility and possibly also the physique of Edward Ashburnham I should, I fancy, have done much what he did." Stunningly, Edward's adultery comes to seem not merely excusable, but almost sublime. "Perhaps he could not bear to see a woman and not give her the comfort of his physical attractions," John surmises. Ford's novel deserves its reputation if for no other reason than the elegance with which it divulges hidden lives.

Paperback: 352 pages

All the Pretty Horses

This is a novel so exuberant in its prose, so offbeat in its setting and so mordant and profound in its deliberations that one searches in vain for comparisons in American literature. None of McCarthy's previous works, not even the award-winning The Orchard Keeper (1965) or the much-admired Blood Meridian (1985), quite prepares the reader for the singular achievement of this first installment in the projected Border Trilogy. John Grady Cole is a 16-year-old boy who leaves his Texas home when his grandfather dies. With his parents already split up and his mother working in theater out of town, there is no longer reason for him to stay. He and his friend Lacey Rawlins ride their horses south into Mexico; they are joined by another boy, the mysterious Jimmy Blevins, a 14-year-old sharpshooter. Although the year is 1948, the landscape--at some moments parched and unforgiving, at others verdant and gentled by rain--seems out of time, somewhere before history or after it. These likable boys affect the cowboy's taciturnity--they roll cigarettes and say what they mean--and yet amongst themselves are given to terse, comic exchanges about life and death. In McCarthy's unblinking imagination the boys suffer truly harrowing encounters with corrupt Mexican officials, enigmatic bandits and a desert weather that roils like an angry god. Though some readers may grow impatient with the wild prairie rhythms of McCarthy's language, others will find his voice completely transporting. In what is perhaps the book's most spectacular feat, horses and men are joined in a philosophical union made manifest in the muscular pulse of the prose and the brute dignity of the characters. "What he loved in horses was what he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them," the narrator says of John Grady. As a bonus, Grady endures a tragic love affair with the daughter of a rich Spanish Hacendado , a romance, one hopes, to be resumed later in the trilogy.

Paperback: 301 pages

The Time Traveler’s Wife

On the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him back and forth at its leisure, from the present to the past, with no regard for where he is or what he is doing. It drops him naked and vulnerable into another decade, wearing an age-appropriate face. In fact, it's not unusual for Henry to run into the other Henry and help him out of a jam. Sound unusual? Imagine Clare Detamble's astonishment at seeing Henry dropped stark naked into her parents' meadow when she was only six. Though, of course, until she came of age, Henry was always the perfect gentleman and gave young Clare nothing but his friendship as he dropped in and out of her life. It's no wonder that the film rights to this hip and urban love story have been acquired.

Paperback: 546 pages


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Step into my office- let's talk business.

Can't wait to see all of you at our next meeting in a few weeks! I have a thought and a question about our upcoming meetings. (I hope I don't bore you too much...)

1. If you haven't received the invite for November 20th be sure to let me know. I did change the time to 10 am.

2. When we set our January 15 meeting, I didn't realize that was Martin Luther King weekend. We are planning on going out of town, so I won't be able to make it. Does that effect anyone else? If so maybe we should find another day, if not no big deal.

Happy reading!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Have you guys heard of this?

For all you bookworms out there .... this is a website where you can track all of the books you've read, write reviews, and keep a list of books you'd like to read someday. You can add friends and view their lists, and even comment and interact with the BookReads community. It's kind of like facebook, for readers!

Just thought I'd recommend it to you guys in case you're interested. If you join, look me up and I'll be your friend : )


PS - Have we picked our next book yet? Or are we just going to do that at our next meeting? I am a big fan of the online voting system, but since our next meeting won't be until January, we aren't exactly in a big rush. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Where another Bookette reads: The Help Ann Arbor, Michigan:

(I am also sporting a recently-purchased Michigan sweatshirt, although I am so engrossed in the book that you can't really see it.)
