
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Burning Question: The Show Book About Nothing?

This week we have another something hanging on our mind: what's the point of Anthropology of an American Girl? As we've been turning pages, we find ourselves wondering is anything really going to happen by the time we reach page 600? Or is it like the tales of Jerry and his New York posse who filled nine entertaining seasons with absolutely nothing -- Evie's life IS about nothing but that's what's so great about it! Or is it just that her voice is so real and that's what makes us uncomfortable; she tells it as it is.



  1. This is the exact question that's been swirling around in my brain as I have been reading! I figure it must be about SOMETHING, but it's just buried too far under layer upon layer of bad metaphor for me to figure out. Yet, I keep reading ... and I'm not sure why!

  2. Hahhaa.. I totally agree, although I guess I voted for the last one just because I can't tell what the "something" is. Sometimes when I'm reading I come across a few ideas that I think 'ah-ha! now there's something!' but it's always so mixed up in other details and excessive language I usually forget it before I have time to grab a pencil and jot it down. I guess I'm drawn to some of her observations on high school. It has nothing to do with her writing style but more the simple and honest observations... I'll have to try find some examples for our meeting!
