
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

August meeting time (and VOTE!)

Hey folks! Remember to vote for your book choice on the blog if you haven't yet (it looks like there's only one day left to do it...perhaps we can post it again though).

I'm not sure if we've set a concrete date yet for the early-August meeting at Sarah's, but for me it looks like I have to leave on Thursday with my family for a wedding in Chicago that weekend (my cousin's). If Wednesday the 4th was still a possibility then that would be my first choice...but if Thursday the 5th works better for everyone else, I understand and I'll be sure to make the next meeting. :) Post comments as you wish.

Remember to VOTE, and see you all on Friday the 25th @ 7:00pm!



  1. I don't mind setting a different date for August, but I can't do the 4th as it is our anniversary... I know that isn't a huge deal but we like to go out to eat at the least. So how about the 2nd or 3rd? Or a different week? I really wouldn't mind making the next one longer than 6 weeks as I imagine it will be harder to find reading time in the summer months.


    PS - We're still tied! This is hilarious!

  2. ...or if the 4th works the best for everyone I can just miss it (but then plleeeeaaassse don't read The Help because I really want to read/be a part of that discussion).

    Someone break this tie!

  3. The 2nd or the 3rd work great for me! The next week will be hard, so let's cross our fingers that those days work for others!!!

    Also, by accident, I set the end time to be Thursday at 4 pm. We are missing two votes... who are they!? :)

    I honestly think both books sound equally good, so if on Thursday at 4 no one has broke the vote, I will just remove my vote to determine the book. I don't think we need to start this voting thing all over again. (Unfortunately the way the gadgets are set up you can't extend them once they have been started.)


  4. The 2nd or the 3rd would be GREAT!
    Looking forward to see which book will be chosen (by tomorrow at 4pm...)
